UKW Praktika is in possession of a Certificate № P-19-428/99 for an approved type of 100W transmitters, resp. a Certificate № P-11-108/2001 for 1 kW transmitters, as well as a permission PB № 247/21.10.99, resp. PB No 046/23.03.2001 for the production and the distribution of these types transmitters on the territory of Bulgaria,
All of them issued by the State Telecommunication Committee (STC). Our FM transmitters are composed of stereocoders, limiters (comlexors, clippers) and RDS, providing a high-quality and problem-free operation of the studio staff, thus meeting the requirement of the Communications Regulation Commisson (CRC) and the Aeronautical Communications Services (ANS). We use high-quality Bulgarian and imported components in our products.